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Use The F-BOMB To Blast Your Career Ahead

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Okay, so it’s not what you’re thinking. We’re not referring to the four letter word you may scream out when you hit your thumb with a hammer. We’re referring to three words that each begin with the letter “F”, the three actions you take that also begin with the letter “F”, and how when they all come together, the synergy they create will allow you to explode through the self-proposed limits that hold you back from achieving your goals.

So how do you create your own “F-Bomb”?

It’s actually pretty straightforward and you can start today!

Your Future

Having clear long-term and short-term goals is certainly a best practice when it comes to being successful in, well, anything. The first step is to clearly define your future. You can define your future that’s a couple of weeks away, or a couple of years away, or preferably both… it just matters that you have a clear, measurable vision of what you want your future to be like.

A couple of key steps here:

First, make sure that you write down this vision. Writing your goals connects them to your mind and helps keep them front and center in your thoughts.

Second, keep your self-limiting beliefs out of this part of the exercise, we’ll worry about those later. For now, simply focus on the future that you desire for yourself.

Your Fears

What are the things that scare you into inaction? Fear of failure? Fear of embarrassing yourself? Here’s where things get a little tough; most people don’t like to admit what their fears are and that’s a big problem.

By not admitting your fears you’re hiding from them and that means they continue to lurk in the shadows of your head ready to extinguish your aspirations before they ever can become real actions that you take.

However, when you define your fears, you create tangible opportunities for improvement which helps you take steps towards conquering your fears.

To use a quote from the movie, The Usual Suspects, …the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world he didn’t exist…

”don’t let your fears be the devil that holds you back from being the best you can be”.

Your Fire

What are the things that charge you up? What drives you? How do you keep these things top of mind every day?

This is the part where many of us drop the ball.

Not only is it difficult to define, once you do define it, it’s easy to forget to tend to the fire and our ambitions start to smolder.

The good news is that as your fire grows, it spreads and becomes overwhelming and almost unstoppable.

Once you’ve defined your Future, your Fears and your Fire, it’s time to take action. 

Starting right now, and every day going forward, you have to make time to FOCUS on your goals, FACE your fears and FUEL your fire. You don’t have to go overboard on this, in fact, just making one action on each of these every day will help break right through those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

Every day, take time to focus on the steps lead you towards achieving your goals.

Once you’ve defined your fears, create a plan to face them.

If you’re like most, and you’re afraid of failure, that’s a good place to start. Define what could cause you to fail, where things could go awry, then take action to control these factors the best way you can.

Most importantly, fuel your fire every day. For some this could be as easy as picture of their kids, or other stakeholders in the wins and losses of their life. Whatever it is for you, take a step every day to keep the fire roaring.

As you pour energy into these three steps, you’ll start to see your future become clear; your fears will no longer hold you back and your fire will burn so hot, you’ll explode through anything in your way of success!

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Comments (5)
Veronica B.
October 20, 2017

Love the formula! Wanna use this with my sales team.

Carlos B.
November 13, 2018

I think F-Bomb is a great way to understand what you need to become successful in your career. I think the only think that holds people back from accomplishing their dreams is forgetting what motivates them and letting fears get in their way.

People might never take the time to recognize their fears, but I do not believe anyone is truly fearless. Some people ignore their fears and end up living a life they didn’t desire because they were too scared to face them. The F-Bomb model is a tool to understand what motivates you and what holds you back. Once you know the two and where you want to go, you have an outline of what is necessary to reach your goals. Whenever you see yourself falling from the model, you know you are going on a path in the wrong direction and can correct yourself.

Megan L
December 3, 2018

reading about the F-BOMB, I thought about my very own goals and what I wanted for my future, what fears I may have about it, and my motivation and passion for it. I definitely like this method, and will likely use it in my professional life, as it’s a streamlined approach to life, that balances your emotions and feelings while keeping a realistic and pragmatic attitude.

Michael B
December 19, 2018

Great formula for me in developing my career and achieving my goals. It lets me put down on paper what I want my future to be like and to fully realize the issues that cause me to not achieve those goals. For me, the complete acceptance and understanding that I am one of the most successful people my age is the “fire” to keep me going. I like these concepts. I wish everyone knew about them.

Margaret G.
January 10, 2019

Future fears and fire are three words I have always thought about when it comes to challenges, work, and success. You cannot think about your future without your fears getting in the way at times. And without fears, you would never ignite a fire in order to overcome those fears. Personally, in my career, I will use the concept of The F-BOMB faithfully because I believe it works. I try to write/set goals for myself monthly, if not weekly some weeks. I also always use my fears to fuel my fire because the satisfaction of overcoming fears or setbacks is always greater than the fear itself. Referencing The F-BOMB during my future career will help me stay focused, motivated and not scared to work hard to achieve my goals and be successful–thanks for the post!